Proven Ways to Maximize Your Customer Feedback

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Whether you have already taken the plunge and solicited feedback from your customers or are considering how to implement a Voice of the Customer (VOC) initiative, the most important step is often the one that’s overlooked: what to do when the results are in. 

Many companies approach a customer survey initiative like a checkup with their doctor — looking to confirm nothing is wrong. When the results are in and everything checks out, it’s on to other matters.

This is a major misstep. Let’s take a step back and reframe the reason for collecting customer feedback in the first place: continuous improvement. This means customer feedback should be the catalyst for making business improvements that matter most, not just a chance to pat ourselves on the back that everything checked out. 

Customer feedback should be the catalyst for making business improvements that matter most, not just a chance to pat ourselves on the back that everything checked out.

But how do we make sure you are maximizing the feedback you receive? Well, from our experience working with clients, here are five tried-and-true tips for getting the most impact from a VOC customer survey:

1. Thank them ... quickly!

Customers appreciate being asked for their feedback. They appreciate it even more if you take the time to thank them personally — and tell them what you’re doing to improve based on their comments. 

At a minimum, send a thoughtful email outlining what you learned and what actions you’re taking as a result. The better approach is to speak with your customers talking over the messages captured in the survey. You’ll send the signal that they matter and you’re committed to better serving them. This step alone will set you apart from 95% of the other companies that survey their customers. 

2. Share the results

It’s crucial that the broader organization knows how your customers rate your business. Soon after the VOC is complete, when results are fresh and relevant, take the time to share results internally. 

Customer feedback can be a motivating tool with your employees when used well. It delivers a powerful message, whether you’re reinforcing good behavior or highlighting needed improvements. Share customer comments that demonstrate instances where you’ve exceeded expectations: let everyone know what success looks like. Conversely, share examples where you’ve dropped the ball and discuss how customers reacted. The story telling aspect of a VOC is often the most impactful part of the feedback.

3. Act on the Results

The worst thing you can do with customer feedback is to do nothing. What a waste of time and resources. Regardless of the outcome, there will be nuggets to help your company deliver a better customer experience. The trick is deciding which areas need your attention, prioritize them, then commit to making changes and improvements. 

The worst thing you can do with customer feedback is to do nothing.

Don’t go overboard. Focus on the top 2-3 complaints. Assign an owner to each complaint and agree on a path forward to address the issue. Too often, companies give this lip service; particularly if the feedback is favorable and there are no burning issues. Remember the purpose of the customer feedback is continuous improvement. 

4. Maintain the Focus

The output of a good VOC survey is a playbook for your management team to take steps to improve the business. The risk is that leaders agree to a plan and nothing happens. The actions agreed get swept aside by other more burning priorities and you lose sight of the bigger picture improvements identified by your customers. 

The key to success: use monthly staff meetings and quarterly business reviews as a forum to monitor and drive progress. Change doesn’t happen quickly — it requires sustained focus. 

5. Beware of Survey Fatigue

Often clients are tempted to begin an ongoing survey process after a large VOC initiative. They want to monitor improvements. Don’t be tempted. Response rates from web surveys that use a “rolling method” are typically low and results aren’t meaningful. 

Instead, focus resources on making improvements. But set a date, typically one year out, and measure again. If customers sense something has changed, they’ll be more than happy to participate again. 

Where is your focus?

Effective VOC initiatives focus on the follow-up work, not the research. Challenge yourself to define where you are going to focus, what you’re going to do differently, and then hold yourself accountable to deliver. 

Effective VOC initiatives focus on the follow-up work, not the research.

The results — a happier customer base, increased loyalty, and more business gains — will justify the effort many times over.

And if you need assistance setting up a VOC initiative that delivers a clear roadmap of where to focus to improve your company’s customer experience, be in touch, we’ll capture meaningful customer feedback you can take action on.


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