Customer Insights From 2021

ceo of t4 associates

Last year was no doubt a turbulent one for your business. Whether you were impacted by Covid-19 or experienced supply chain–related disruptions, there were likely some difficult challenges that you had to navigate.  

As a firm whose role is assessing customers’ opinions for the organizations we serve, 2021 was an enlightening year to say the least. The perceptions captured from customer feedback were some of the most valuable in recent memory.  

As we embark on a new year, I thought it would be beneficial to share a few of the more illuminating and timeless discoveries—perhaps these would be useful for your organization as well.

Lesson #1: Double Down on Client Service. 

Supply problems were a universal theme this past year: everyone faced them. But what made some organizations stand out from the rest was how they engaged their customers during the crisis period.  

The winners were those that frequently communicated updates. Even if the news was negative, customers appreciated receiving honest information. The most successful companies also went the extra mile for their clients.

This was particularly evident within manufacturing businesses: those that pulled out all the stops to maintain steady supply for customers came out on top. While this may have introduced additional costs in the short run, the goodwill generated was priceless. Making the extra effort was instrumental in strengthening loyalty.  

Lesson #2: Play Offense Over Defense.  

While working with our clients last year, we observed two polar approaches to dealing with challenges caused by the pandemic.

  1.  One group was solely focused on supplying customers. Their operating mode was to simply weather the storm in 2021.   
  2. The other group perceived the disruption as an opportunity. “Never waste a good crisis” was their motto. 

This second group of clients directed our efforts to probe for emerging needs and uncover new ways in which clients wanted to work. In nearly every Voice of the Customer (VOC) exercise we conducted, innovative ideas appeared that identified novel ways of working, new services to offer, or alternative approaches for engagement.

It’s these organizations—those that acted assertively in the midst of the challenge—that are coming out ahead. 

Lesson #3: Think Self-Service.  

Across many of the industries we served last year, a common thread was the increasing demand for more self-service to create a better customer experience. 

The need varied by industry, but surprisingly it was elevated across the board. For example, some customers requested that more information be available online, while others wanted an enhanced client portal and still others wanted to place and/or monitor orders electronically.  

While this growing demand is not an unfamiliar development for many, the epiphany emerged from the momentum this trend now has across broad sectors of markets and industries. Self-service equates to being easy to do business with.  The most successful organizations are investing in this direction.

Lesson #4: Adjust to the New Engagement Model.   

In the pre-pandemic world, most organizations demonstrated a preference for face-to-face meetings with customers. Then Covid-19 struck, and all gatherings went remote. This generated some critical considerations, like: What will the future entail? What will customers want going forward?  

The research we conducted last year identified a consensus: people prefer two-thirds remote work and meetings, one-third in person.  

While customers value the efficiency of remote contact, they also appreciate the relationship-building aspect of gathering in person. Consider how that applies to your business and determine the appropriate engagement model for your business in the future.

As we continue to conduct our VOCs in 2022, additional insights will undoubtedly emerge as we all adjust to a changing world. It’s a crucial time to closely monitor customers’ fluctuating preferences, as we’ve seen that the businesses that adapt with their clients are the ones that achieve the greatest success. 


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